8 "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates. 11 For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.
Did you catch that last sentence? Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.
The Colon family Sabbath is starting to cause quite a bit of chatter and I love it! It's been really interesting. For the most part, I think our friends have a huge curiosity about what we are doing. It seems a far fetched idea to most at first. . .unplugging, taking a day away from it all every single week. Just like we have always thought until recently, so many believe that life is just too jam packed with things to do and accomplish - people to see and places to be - to pull something like Sabbath off EVERY week. It's a nice idea, but pretty close to an impossibility is what I know goes through most people's head when we try to explain.
And it's funny. When we're in conversation, no one seems to even know what to call it. . ."Kevin's day off," "a sabbatical." The word "sabbath" almost seems uncomfortable to say or even wrap a persons' mind around. I get it. It feels a little awkward to me, too. And to really explain it to those inquiring minds has been tough for me as well. . .until now. Now, after looking at the last 4 weeks I get it. Now my bottom line explanation is this. . ."It's a HOLY day.
HaHa! Now I have created yet another web to try to untangle. What really is a HOLY day? Here's my new definition. . .putting life on hold to truly experience LIFE. And in truly experiencing LIFE we experience, realize and savor sweet glimpses of the Father and his holy presence in all the little moments throughout the day. It's about connecting to those you are with at a heart level and allowing God to move instead of pushing him aside for what we call life the other 6 days of the week.
This week our Sabbath started out a bit rough once again. It seems we should learn to expect that. Kids weren't so grumpy this week. Instead the weather threw us a curve ball. The wind was blowing and it was cold. So the idea of taking a hike in Estes Park didn't quite pan out.
So where did we end up? Once again, we went to the YMCA of the Rockies to hang out for the day.
We listened to Focus on the Family's radio broadcast version of The Chronicles of Narnia The Magician's Nephew while we drove. We had a little lunch. Then we went swimming at the indoor pool at the YMCA camp.
After a little exercise it was time for a snack, so we went next door for some hot chocolate, coffee and muffins and really good "God" conversation around the table. . .and some silliness provided by Kevin, of course. Kevin and I were amazed at our little girls' hearts and words and depth at such a young age as we talked about what they thought God might want them to do with their lives when they grow up, what they felt about God when they looked at the mountains and what they loved about our family. . .
We ended the day with 1st grade basketball practice that Kevin and I coach, dinner and prayers on our bed before bedtime. Again, Emma, Claire and Olivia blew me away with their prayers for Haiti and their Compassion International "sister" in Ecuador, for their sister's colds to get better and for God to show them what to do when they grow up.
Interrupted ONLY by God. . .
THAT was a blessing.
THAT was a Holy Day.
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