Conversation with Claire

“Yesterday at church everyone laughed at me.”

“Why, honey?”

“Because I said I like lots of food.”

“What do you mean?”

“We had to write down on that paper why we thanked God.”

“O, and you said were thankful for all that the food that you had.”

“Uh huh.”

“Claire, that is a great answer.”

“But they laughed at me.”

“Honey, they probably just didn’t understand what you meant. Don’t worry. I’m proud of you for your answer. God has given us lots of food.”

(A big smile came over her face)

. . . .

“Mommy, why don’t some people have enough food to eat?”

“That’s a great question Claire.” “We’re really lucky, aren’t we? We have more than enough food every day, don’t we?”

“Yeah, yummy food. But kids in Vietnam don’t. Why don’t we take them some food when we go?”

“That’s a great idea, Claire, but it would be really hard for us to take all the food that they need with us on the airplane.”

“We could just take a little. Don’t they need food?”

“Yes, some of them do. But when we go to Vietnam we try to do things to help them in other ways. Someday we might be able to help them with food, too, but for now we are trying to help them by giving them things like clothes and clean water. We also want to help them to get a good education so that they can make money for themselves to buy food.”

(She kinda understood)

“Claire, we love the people in Vietnam and we want to help them because we love God and God loves them so much.”

“But why do we have so much food and they don’t?”

“I wish I could answer that, sweetie. I guess that God just decided to give some people the $ for food to see what they will do with it. He must have trusted us a lot to do what is right. He must have trusted us to help others.”

“But, Mommy, then why can’t we take those kids some food?”

“O, Claire, I love your heart. Let’s think and try to figure out what we can do to help them. Would you like that?”

“Yes. Can I go with you to Vietnam sometime?”

“Of course.”

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