Words that make the journey worth it. . .

While in Kentucky visiting family last week I was putting Emma to bed. Sunday was the day that we were flying home. I was trying to convince her on Saturday night that we did not need to go to church the next morning for fear of being too rushed getting to the airport. Here's how the conversation went. . .

Mom: "Emma, I think we are going to plan on not going to church tomorrow morning."

(Surprised) Emma (6 1/2 years): "But I really want to go to Sunday School and learn more about Jesus!"

Mom: "I understand, sweetie, but it's really not a good idea for tomorrow."

Emma: "But I just have to go because learning about Jesus is the most special thing to me!"

Now what was I supposed to say to that??!! So. . .I smiled, said a quiet thank you to God, and replied, "okay," as tears rolled down my cheek.

Would you believe it? We weren't even the least bit late to the airport.

That is what parenting is all about.

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