
On Friday's the other two girls go to school and Olivia and I spend the day together. Today we are at home watching it snow.

As Olivia was eating her lunch and watching cartoons, I went outside to the garage to do my weekly cleaning out of the van. When I came back in, this is the conversation that Olivia and I shared as she was standing on the steps with ECO.

Olivia: "I thought you and Daddy were gone." (there were no tears in her eyes. . .only a huge Olivia smile)

Me: "You did? No, I was out in the van cleaning up all of your trash."

Olivia: giggle

Me: "What would you have done if we had really left you alone? Would you have been scared?"

Olivia: "Nope". . . giggle

Me: "So what would you have done?"

Olivia: "Just chewed gum.". . . and she pranced away to play with ECO again.

For those of you who know Olivia well, you will laugh at this classic Olivia answer. She is a gum monster.

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