I have lived in Texas with their gigantic flying roaches. These roaches found their way into our old, little seminary housing apartment on a daily basis. And each morning I would make Kevin get up and go downstairs to kill and remove every last one before I would even consider placing my feet to the ground. But I have never (at least not to my knowledge) lived in a house with mice. Until now!

Yesterday morning I was working upstairs only to hear my youngest, Olivia, run screaming up the stairs from the basement. She was innocently on her way to her dress up box in search of her princess "cloppy shoes." But before she could get there she was obviously met by a new addition to our home - a small black mouse.

And when does this all have to happen? When Kevin is gone. You know, I traveled all the way around the world to Vietnam - a 3rd world country - a few weeks ago, and I never once saw a creature of any kind in my room. Now I am back to US suburbia and here they are - my new guests.

These mice are truly not welcomed guests at all. I am on a quest to rid us of them as soon as possible. I mean, someday I have to be able to send my children back into the basement to play. And at this point, they are not budging in that direction.

Last night I successfully caught 2. Today I decided to involve some backup, and my friend, Scott, is coming over to empty the traps that I am too much of a chicken to touch, and set new ones. The bottom line is that they must go - they must leave before they have babies in my basement!!!

Kevin has now been gone for 8 days. We are only halfway to the day of his return. What humor you have, God! Couldn't this invasion have happened at a better time!?

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