Waking Up Before the Sun 9/27/10

5:45 am. . ."Girls, God created something really beautiful that he wants to show us this morning. Let's wake up." And 3 groggy little girls climbed out of bed, pillow and blankets in tow...

This week we had a beautiful start to a holy Sabbath. . .and then Claire threw up. . .yes, she did :-) and all of a sudden we had to resort to Plan B. (she's fine now, BTW - 24 hour bug)

So. . .we basically just relaxed, which was probably just what we needed.

Claire took a nap and Kevin and I had dates with the other two girls. Olivia and I went for a walk around Purple Park with our iPods. I told her I was going to listen to a message by Charles Stanley and see what God would say to me. She listened to her "God music" and we walked for about 40 minutes, taking time out to run through a few sprinklers along the way. I really should enjoy running through sprinklers more often. It made Olivia and I laugh together so much more than we usually do. Note to self:I need to laugh more! It feels so good.

She said that God told her to keep listening to "God music." I think that's a pretty good thing for a 7 year old to hear, don't you?

After that Kevin and Emma went on a getaway to Borders and the mall. Daddy daughter time is so special. I love it that my girls value time with their dad. I love to see the joy on their faces when they find out they get to be alone with just him.

Other than that, Sabbath was just a day of lying around and resting. It's hard to rest in my house. There is always something that I see to be done. But for this day, it was good.

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