My New Favorite Author

No one directed me to Debbie Macomber. I wasn't shopping for a fiction book. But as I passed through the book aisle at Costco a few weeks ago, this one just seemed to beg, "take me home." It's rare that I ever spend $ on a book unless it has been recommended and researched heavily first. Books are so stinkin' expensive, even though I admit that I love owning them much more than I should. But for $4.49, it was a risk I was willing to take. And let me just tell you. . .I have discovered my summer vacation! Who knew it resided in the pages of a book. I was thinking something tropical or adventurous sounded like a nice plan for the summer. But no, I discovered my summer vacation for $4.49. Now THAT's a deal!!!! And in my opinion, these books are somewhat equal in comparison to sipping a fruity concoction on the beach. You just need a little imagination.

Since reading Twenty Wishes, I have now researched and planned out my entire summer reading list. I feel like an elementary school student again doing my summer reading program. I wonder if I can get Kevin to buy me a personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut when I complete my "vacation?" (That's what I remember getting as a kid when summer reading came to an end)

So, if you are like me. . .needing a good vacation. . .I simply suggest to you readers out there that this is a great place to start. Sorry, guys, it's pretty much a ladies only kind of book. But there is not mushy romance happening very often. . .just a lot of good clean and compelling fun. Click Here to start your vacation. . .and make sure to pick a series and read it from start to finish. The books seem to stand alone and yet I'm discovering that the order makes the journey much better. You'll find LOTS of them at the library. I can't help but wonder if I'm the last person standing to discover Debbie Macomber. Now that I mention her, EVERYONE seems to know her stuff. Check it out!

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