Never Say Never!

Never ever say that you aren't going to do something when it comes to church! My first NEVER was working with the children. . .what am I now? - only the children's pastor. My second NEVER was becoming involved in a women's small group. The girly, ladies things have never been for me. I'm not a baby shower, frilly, sorority kind of girl. But what have I just joined? - you know it already. . .a women's small group.

But, just like children's ministry. . .so far so good. There is a time and season for everything, right?. . .

So, Beth Moore, bring it on!

I showed my girls the Beth Moore book we are studying - Breaking Free. For all of you parents with addicted High School Musical fans. . .you can imagine their response. . ."It's like Troy and Gabriella, Mom! 'We're breaking free. . .' (it's a song in the movie for all of you non-High School Musicalites).
The life of a mom with 3 girls. . . .

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