Amy Time

I've found a new coffee shop to read and write. It is called Cafe de Paris - this little hole in the wall, eclectic spot in downtown Louisville, CO. I can't quite figure it out. I assume it is supposed to have the flavor of Paris. I mean there is a statue of the Eiffel Tower wrapped in white Christmas lights standing in the corner. And yet, there are Chinese lanterns hanging from the ceiling and some very odd little reindeer candle holders sitting on the tables. I must say that it reminds me much more of a thrift shop than a coffee shop. (If you can mean that in the nicest possible way, that is exactly how I would like it to be taken.) All I know for sure is that the coffee is great and I can deal with the new age kinda crazy music playing in the background as long as I can count this as time alone. How I love my time alone.

Did I mention the flags on the wall above my head? There is one with a ying yang, one with a Jewish star, one with what I will choose to believe is a Christian cross (yet I'm not exactly sure), another of something written that I think should be a Muslim symbol, and one with a giant picture of the Pink Panther. Now that is the Boulder County that I love!!!

Anyway. . .alone. To my extroverted friends that word even makes many of you cringe. But to me, it is pure bliss. Now don't get me wrong. I would never choose to stay this way all the time. But o how I crave it. This is where I refuel. This is where I get to think and read and journal and feel the most like Amy. This is my time that helps me conquer the world every day. And without it. . .let's just say that you don't want to experience Amy without it. Ask Kevin.

So what is Amy doing while alone today? I am reading 2 FABULOUS books. Though I never really meant to read them hand in hand, they actually compliment each other quite well. If you get a chance, you've gotta grab them. Mastery (one I previously blogged about) is one for any believer who desires to understand the Kingdom of God and their spot in it. The Multiplying Church is written by Bob Roberts. If you have followed mine and Kevin's writing in the past you have figured out that we love him and his family and the impact he has made on our lives through his life lived out is off the charts. Bob is one of the greatest examples I have ever known of someone who truly lives out the Kingdom of God. See how the books go hand in hand? So read them if you can.

So what is my purpose for writing today? Nothing really. I just felt like writing. That is one thing I have not felt in quite some time.

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